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Insurdinary Editorial Team

Our editorial team consists of licensed Group Benefits Brokers, collectively covering various regions and accumulating over two decades of combined experience. Their mission is to aid individuals and businesses in navigating the complex insurance landscape.

One of our members, a Co-Founder, possesses extensive knowledge of the insurance sector. Apart from his professional responsibilities, he enjoys fatherhood and has a passionate interest in basketball. He remains vigilant about political changes and emerging Insur-Tech trends.

Another invaluable member, who has been a licensed Group Benefits Broker since 2003, serves as the founder and CEO of our organization. His deep industry insight and strong leadership reinforce our commitment to providing invaluable insights. Beyond insurance, his interests include financial markets, politics, documentaries, and environmental pursuits, enriching our content with diverse perspectives.

Completing our team, our Content Manager plays a crucial role in shaping our editorial direction. With a keen understanding of evolving insurance and finance-related trends, she facilitates seamless collaborations with our internal authors and content creators, ensuring our content remains current and relevant.

Together, our editorial team is dedicated to producing informative, insightful, and engaging content, keeping you informed about insurance and beyond.

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Funeral Insurance and Peace of Mind for Policyholders and Families

If the unthinkable happened and you died today, do you have peace of mind knowing your family could pay your […]

The Customizable Coverage Options Available With Funeral Insurance

No one likes to think about what will happen after they die. As anyone who’s lost a loved one can […]

Effortless Planning: The Convenience of Funeral Insurance Applications

No one wants to think about their or a loved one’s death. However, planning funeral details in advance can help […]

How Insurance Can Help With Funeral Costs in the United States

Like many Americans, you might have concerns about rising funeral costs in the United States. The fluctuating economy makes no […]

Top 6 Reasons Why Funeral Insurance Is Important in the United States

When someone passes away, family members and other loved ones need time to mourn. The stress of planning and paying […]

Coverage Tailored to Individual Circumstances

Life insurance can provide financial security and earnings options for those who get them. If you speak with a financial […]

The Perk of Flexibility in No-Medical Life Insurance

Life insurance is a great way to pay for burials, funerals, and other final expenses. According to LIMRA’s 2023 Insurance […]

Instant Insurance: A Key Factor in No-Medical Life Policies

People often associate life insurance with mandated medical exams and long waiting periods before knowing whether the insurance provider will […]

How No-Medical Life Insurance Fits Those With Health Concerns

A chronic illness can affect almost every aspect of your life, including your ability to get life insurance. Even if […]

Hassle-Free Insurance Applications with No-Medical Policies

A life insurance policy can be critical to planning for your family’s financial future. Knowing your spouse and children — […]

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