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Insurdinary Editorial Team

Our editorial team consists of licensed Group Benefits Brokers, collectively covering various regions and accumulating over two decades of combined experience. Their mission is to aid individuals and businesses in navigating the complex insurance landscape.

One of our members, a Co-Founder, possesses extensive knowledge of the insurance sector. Apart from his professional responsibilities, he enjoys fatherhood and has a passionate interest in basketball. He remains vigilant about political changes and emerging Insur-Tech trends.

Another invaluable member, who has been a licensed Group Benefits Broker since 2003, serves as the founder and CEO of our organization. His deep industry insight and strong leadership reinforce our commitment to providing invaluable insights. Beyond insurance, his interests include financial markets, politics, documentaries, and environmental pursuits, enriching our content with diverse perspectives.

Completing our team, our Content Manager plays a crucial role in shaping our editorial direction. With a keen understanding of evolving insurance and finance-related trends, she facilitates seamless collaborations with our internal authors and content creators, ensuring our content remains current and relevant.

Together, our editorial team is dedicated to producing informative, insightful, and engaging content, keeping you informed about insurance and beyond.

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How Life Insurance Without a Medical Exam Works

Life insurance is vital to ensuring a solid financial future for your family. The payout from an insurance policy can […]

6 Reasons No-Medical Life Insurance Is Important in the US

If you have a family or dependents, it’s in your best interest to research options for life insurance, but choosing […]

Final Expenses and How Life Insurance Offers Financial Comfort

Making final arrangements is something most people will eventually do for themselves or their loved ones, yet it's not an […]

The Role of Life Insurance in Estate Planning

Throughout your life, you’ve likely been a mother, father, husband, wife, or another caregiver to your precious family members. With […]

Life Insurance for Educational Expenses

Whether you’re sending your first child off to college or your third, the application process never gets easier, from choosing […]

Unburdened Tomorrow: Life Insurance and Debt Elimination

Sooner or later, everyone starts considering life insurance so their family members won’t feel burdened after the policyholder’s death. Once […]

Life Insurance and Income Protection: A Symbiotic Relationship

Life insurance can protect your beneficiaries — whether people or entities — from financial loss. In fact, over half of Americans have […]

Financial Security: Safeguarding Tomorrow With Life Insurance

Most people don’t like to consider what life will be like for those they leave behind when they pass. Even […]

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Whether you have a lovable pooch or a friendly feline, your pet deserves to live a healthy and happy life. […]

Top 6 Reasons Why Life Insurance Is Important in the USA

If you are a responsible parent or currently married, the odds are good that you’ve explored your options for life […]

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